Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog… OK, a free blog topic! So, is it really true? I really don’t have to write more about horror, Halloween, and other ghouly stuff? (At least not for another year!) But I have gotten so used to this place… writing about stuff I haven’t…
Quelle horreur?
by David Sartof •
Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog… A time for confessions? Indeedy! But, not only have I not read any Stephen King (not even his book on writing, Sharon), I have also not read Dean Koontz, James Herbert and that chap called Poe! (I have been warned off Shaun Hutson and Clive…
TEN FOUR… (and a competition, again)
by David Sartof •
Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog… No, this is not an Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International announcement in the affirmative. It is an oblique reference to our schedule and this week’s topic – scary movies. (Well, I did to a light double-check as, being a Brit, I wondered whether I could…
Stranger than fiction… can it be true?
by David Sartof •
Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog… OK, dear readers…. getting even with someone who’s riled me? Have I ever written a character to help me deal with my anger? Well, let me tell you something… anger? A little strong, perhaps… catharsis might be more appropriate… But imagine losing your job (not…
Who is Henry Blogg? …lest we forget (words for unsung heroes)
by David Sartof •
Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog… It is understandable, at times like this, when world events are remembered and those that have lost their lives in-service or as innocents become our present focus, to reflect our current feelings and dwell in the now. But, as writers, we have a responsibility. Our…
Let the fruit throwing begin!
by David Sartof •
Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog… A great title… it bears so little resemblence to my post this week, but it is a colourful idea… (thanks C.J.) Watermellon is big here in Greece and it is such a bright colour! Well, what would the alternative have been? A more mundane “FIVE…