Tag Archive for books

Am I to Succu(m)b(us)…?

Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog…  http://thewickedwriters.blogspot.com/ I am joined, today, by my friend Paula Phillips. Paula hails from New Zealand, is a Librarian by profession, and reads and reviews books from many different genres, from authors all around the world. Paula reviews books for a number of web sites, including http://www.chicklitclub.com/…

The interconnectedness of… nothing?

Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog…  http://thewickedwriters.blogspot.com/ Where are James, Morgan and Kit when you want them? Here am I, with this d**n blog post to put together… I ask you, ‘series’? “Write about your favourite series,” said she who must be obeyed. (Sorry, C.J. – couldn’t resist that one!) What does…

Long live the book… A view on the publishing industry

Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog…  http://thewickedwriters.blogspot.com/ Given the subject of our posts this week – our opinions of the publishing industry – I thought it might be a useful idea to revisit an earlier post I had placed on my own blog. (A blog which has now, to a large extent,…