Tag Archive for inspiration

Stranger than fiction… can it be true?

Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog…  http://thewickedwriters.blogspot.com/ OK, dear readers…. getting even with someone who’s riled me? Have I ever written a character to help me deal with my anger? Well, let me tell you something… anger? A little strong, perhaps… catharsis might be more appropriate…  But imagine losing your job (not…

I Think, Therefore I am Not Blocked…

Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog…  http://thewickedwriters.blogspot.com/ Ok. Now let me see… it’s, what? 22:30? (…so the little digital time piece in the corner of my Windows 7 task-bar tells me). That is… precisely… one hour and thirty minutes within which I have this target to complete a post on writer’s block!…

VERBAL REASONING… Improvisation on-line, 101

Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog…  http://thewickedwriters.blogspot.com/ Not the usual suspects… I, too, am a fan of on-line tools such as dictionaries and a good thesaurus. And, as for Wikipedia? Well, I find it a brilliant tool, despite the limitations of knowledge validation (which are, frankly, and in my humble opinion, in…

Influence? Quelle influence?

Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog…  http://thewickedwriters.blogspot.com/ A personal problem…? OK, so here I am, trying to conceptualise my approach for this article on how my various hobbies and pastimes might influence my writing and… well, not for the first time on this Blog, I am struggling! I do things. I don’t…

A Muse in…

Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog…  http://thewickedwriters.blogspot.com/ OK, so what has a Muse got to do with my writing? Is there really some external force, controlled by a goddess (is that one, three, or nine?) or spirit (presumably also female) who is the source of all knowledge feeding my imagination with poetic…