My First Time… (or, The Virgin Short Story Writer)

Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog… There I was, idly sitting at my desk, twiddling with my mouse, thinking about more marketing moves to help with the promotion of River of Judgement, when I stumbled upon a competition. A short story competition was to be held as part of the Theakstons…

Spring Time and Thoughts Turn to Plotting

Note: This Post Originally featured on the WickedWriters Blog… Today we have the first post from our newest member, David Sartof! We’d been looking for a male mystery writer for a few weeks now, and C.J. met David on a Facebook group for authors. He wrote intriguingly, his novel sounded interesting, and he seemed…

Innovation: Publishing in the modern world! Post II

Note: This post first featured on “The Art of…” blog, under my name: David Atkinson A short essay that stated as a single blog post! The book is dead? Long live the book? Really! As I bring my first novel to market (I decided, with the impatience and petulance of spoilt teenager, that I was not…

Innovation: Publishing in the modern world! Post I

Note: This post first featured on “The Art of…” blog, under my name: David Atkinson A short essay that stated as a single blog post! The book is dead? Long live the book? Really! As I bring my first novel to market (I decided, with the impatience and petulance of spoilt teenager, that I…

A short post on… SKiP(ing) into the future

Note: This post first featured on “The Art of…” blog, under my name: David Atkinson Looking for a new acronym for innovation in a knowledge economy? Forget PEST, try SKiP(ing)… I wrote, in an earlier post on Ragged Trousers, about the fact I had based that very post on an earlier essay entitled “SKiP(ing)…

The end in sight…? A publishing journey… and some kind words!

Note: This post first featured on “The Art of…” blog, under my name: David Atkinson Progress in reaching the publication of “The River of Judgement”! This week I launched my new author web site:! David Sartof is my pen name, to keep my fiction writing separate from my non-fiction. And, there just seems…